The Guerlédan Dam was built from 1923 to 1930 ...


A real technical feat of the time, this hydroelectric dam retains 51 million m³ of water, thus forming Lake Guerlédan, the largest lake in Brittany.



Lake Guerlédan is the largest artificial lake in Brittany. 12 km long, it covers 304 ha. The Blavet valley was flooded in 1929 following the construction of the dam and the closing of the gates to allow the water to rise.


The Lac de Guerlédan site has benefited from economic growth since the 1960s with the creation of restaurants, accommodation, rental sites for water sports and the development of four beaches.



It was after the First World War, that the idea of building a dam emerged in order to supply a large part of Brittany with electricity.


The Guerlédan dam site was led by Auguste Leson from 1923 to 1929.


In 1930, the dam and the power station were operational. The electric revolution began. The electricity fairy would gradually enter our societies, in both city and countryside, the factory and the home.



The Association for the Operation of the Electrotheque (AFEE) was created by Daniel Gueguen, Robert Perois, Alain le Botmel, Jean Evanno and their friends in 1985.


Objectives: safeguard, enhance and pass on the memory of the industrial and historical heritages of the territory of Lake Guerlédan.

From 1985 to the present day, the collection has been built up thanks to donations from individuals and businesses. The museum opened in 1992.

In 2013, the management of the museum was entrusted to the Pontivy Community Tourist Office and the collection was recognised as being of community interest.

Électrothèque du lac de Guerlédan

Musée de l'Électricité


Rue du Musée



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